- The Advantage of Biscayne Consulting Associates. The BCA team members are unusually strong in their economic valuation and financial modeling skills, and their ability to use state-of-the art statistical and computer-based analysis to quantify economic damages. Rigor based on a deep understanding of business, economics, and finance allows BCA to accurately assess damages and actively and authoritatively support the cross-examination of experts from opposing counsel.
- Valuation of economic damages. The partners at BCA exploit their advanced training in finance to objectively compute the present value of future economic loss in a wide variety of cases such as employment discrimination and wrongful termination, personal injury, medical malpractice, workers compensation, etc. The team is especially skilled at valuing legitimate economic loss that is often ignored by simpler analysis.
- Discovery and Trial Support. The BCA team can assist early in the economic fact-finding process and provide an advance knowledge-base to help identify the key economic issues to dispute. It can assist in the preparation of clients for depositions or help counsel plan interrogatories for depositions, and in the analysis of depositions to identify key weaknesses in opposing counsel's arguments with respect to economic issues.
The BCA team members are highly experienced in communicating intellectually demanding concepts in a straightforward and intuitive manner and defending analysis. Our team can play an active role in the preparation and development of briefs and exhibits.
Contact us at bca@biscayneconsulting.net.
Biscayne Consulting Associates LLC 115 Sunrise Drive, Suite 5B Key Biscayne, Florida 33149 General (305) 377-1515 Timothy Burch (305) 281-3929 Michael Fuerst (305) 490-8657